Making A Difference

16427307_1391565630907578_5271084839294098751_nCommunity activism is nothing new for KW Southwest’s Mona Parikh. Active with KW’s Red Day and Shredding Hunger events, as well as with United Way, the annual Hope Gala, she still makes time for her current endeavor, Asians Against Domestic Abuse (AADA).  Mona is currently a Board Member and the Chair for their upcoming luncheon, Rise This Fall on 10.9.17 at the Junior League of Houston.


16729286_1404160336314774_8024462565013518085_nAADA partners with the Fort Bend Womens’ Center to help those impacted by domestic violence and offers assistance with counseling, relocation, translators, immigration issues, and access to attorneys.

The majority of people seeking assistance through AADA are vulnerable and don’t know where to go.  “For me, it’s more about trying to help other people, and because I’m a woman, I feel that compassion for other women or anybody that has an unfortunate situation in their household. I really feel passionate about giving back to the community and doing whatever I can to support the cause.”

The goal of AADA is to help those impacted by domestic violence to obtain a position where they can be independent and support their children.  Mona states, “We have had several success stories of women that were impacted and are now working and in a good place financially. It’s amazing to see the improvement in their confidence level and overall outlook on life. That’s what we want to do for the people that have been affected by domestic violence.”

For more information about Asians Against Domestic Abuse, or to support the cause, please go to:

Helpline:  713-339-8300


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